Taylor County Democratic Committee
Small County Coalition
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Taylor County is a member of the Florida Democratic Party Small County Coalition

The Florida Democratic Party has created a coaliton of counties that currently have 30,000 or less registered Democrats.  The purpose of this coalition is to present and advocate the needs of the small counties in Florida to the State Party.  At present there are over 40 small counties in Florida and united they represent the largest block of registered voters and registered Democratic voters in the State of Florida.  The uniqness of small county voters requires that the Democratic Party assess and work towards the goals of these voters in order to insure Democratic victories in the county, state and the country.
    Taylor County is especially well represented as one of its own has been elected a Director of the Small County Coalition for the calendar year 2004.  Mr. Rudy Parker was unanimously elected to be a spokesman for not only Taylor County, but the entire group of counties that make up the FDP Small County Coalition.
    The Coalition not only represents the needs of small counties to the State, but presents workshops and training seminars across the state for small county members.  It is also the proud sponsor of the FDP Small County Grant program that returned over $24,000.00 to small counties in the calendar year 2003.  Small Counties is proud to have Taylor County as an active member
You can reach the Small County Coalition at http://fdpscc.tripod.com

Taylor County Democratic Party